Revival! It's what's happening!!!

Most of what you see in the headlines, regardless of news network, is negative. It's how the enemy of our souls works and he wants us to believe there's no hope. Well... he's wrong!

Let me provide some encouragement. God is on the move! I am not sure that I can say it any stronger!!! God's plans are not thwarted by congress, the media, Isis, or anything else! I saw first-hand last week that even Washington DC is not a lost cause. God is still a God of miracles and He is breathing life into congress, the lives of active duty and veteran military service members, and everyday citizens.

During 2019 SSO hosted nearly 1,000 active duty military service members at free outdoor adventure events and over 300 have prayed with us to receive Christ. Those of you that pray for us regularly and fund these activities are a part of this miracle. And, SSO is only one ministry among many amazing ministries bringing the good news of the gospel to military service members, veterans, and the rest of the world.  

Last week Ryan Lamb, one of the SSO board members, and I traveled to Washington DC. While there we sat down for breakfast with Congressman Mark Green of Tennessee, a U.S. Army combat veteran, and recipient of the Bronze Star. His recent article entitled "Addressing the Spiritual Needs of Warriors Will Save Lives" is what prompted us to reach out to him and what ultimately led to us being in Washington DC last week. You can read the article at (Spiritual Needs of Warriors). Congressman Green is a committed Christian and patriot. He's a light in what may at times seem to be a very dark place. Ryan and I had the opportunity to discuss SSO's role in the effort to deliver spiritual fitness to active duty military and our desire to take what we are doing in California across the nation.

Later that morning Ryan and I attended a congressional panel chaired by Congresswoman Hartzler of Missouri on faith-based solutions to PTSd and the military and veteran suicide epidemic. Though 1,200 VA and Department of Defense clinical programs have been established over the past 16 years, suicide rates have increased among veterans and active duty service members from 16 a day in 2003 to more than 22 a day in 2019. This statistic is not limited to combat veterans. It’s just one reason why many are looking elsewhere for answers.

As Chad Robichaux, founder and president of Mighty Oaks Foundation put it, "we're aiming at the wrong target" when standing up more clinical solutions when we should be dealing with the "soul wounds" experienced by our warriors. In a standing room only session, Congresswoman Hartzler said in effect, that she felt God was on the move and that revival would come to our nation through military service members. In this meeting were a number of congressional representatives and numerous high-ranking military leaders. The general sense was that addressing the "spiritual fitness" needs of our warriors is the missing ingredient that clinical solutions cannot provide. Frankly it’s the answer to the world’s woes not just the military.

Ryan and I were exceptionally encouraged by the fact that lawmakers, senior military leaders, veterans, and citizens of this country are turning to God for answers. And they aren't just turning to any God, they're turning to our Lord Jesus Christ. Every testimony provided during the panel made clear that though clinical programs may have provided some help, it wasn't until each individual turned to faith in Jesus Christ that their lives turned around. Chad Robichaux, testified that a longitudinal PhD study had been conducted among those that had been through their one-week Christ-centered Legacy Program and that 40% of participants previously diagnosed with PTSd no longer showed symptoms that would classify them as PTSd sufferers. This isn't coincidence! It's what Jesus does. Miraculous!!!

What we witnessed in DC is just a small part of what God is doing in our nation, in the military, and across the world. Be encouraged!!! God isn't finished. The Bible says in Philippians 1:6 that "I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns." And, He isn't only going to complete His work in you who are believers. He is going to finish what He started with you, with me, and with the world He created.

At Soul Survivor Outdoor we know that God is on the move. We have been given the task of bringing the gospel to active duty military service members through outdoor adventure, and that is what we're going to do until He gives us another assignment.

Be of good cheer this holiday season and KNOW that God is STILL on HIS throne!!!

Merry Christmas!

Rick Wolf - Founder & President - Soul Survivor Outdoor